The city of Cartagena will be celebrating the Carnival from the 2nd to the 13th February 2024. The parade has been given the prestigious title of being of ‘Regional Tourist Interest’ so is well worth enjoying! Although the carnival will be celebrated throughout the eleven days, the main parade will take place on Saturday 10th February at 18:00 with over 3,500 people participating!
Saturday 10th February
18:00 Grand Carnival Parade Route: starting from Alameda de San Antón along Alameda de San Antón, Plaza de España, Carmen, Puertas de Murcia, Plaza de San Sebastián, Mayor, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Plaza Héroes de Cavite and finishing in the Plaza Mayor.
Sunday 11th February
12:00 Children’s Carnival in the Plaza de Juan XXIII
Tuesday 13th February
19:00 Parade of Don Carnal along Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Mayor, Plaza de San Sebastián, Puertas de Murcia, Sagasta, San Roque, Carmen, Santa Florentina & Plaza de Juan XXIII
21:00 Awarding of the Prizes, Quema (burning) of Don Carnal and fireworks in the Plaza Mayor.