The Moors and Christians Fiesta in Villajoyosa from the 24th to the 31st July 2024 is well worth visiting. It is rated as one of the best in Spain and has been declared as being of International Tourist Interest. The festivals are in honour of Santa Marta and always take place at the end of July. The highlight of the fiesta, which is called the Moros i Cristians Vila Joiosa in Valencian, is the desembarco or the disembarkation in the early hours on the morning of the 28th July. The programme in English is:
Wednesday 24th July
21:00 Inauguration of the Fiesta with the switching on of the Fiesta Street Lights, followed by a Parade of the Music Bands. Route: Calles Ciudad de Valencia, Avda. del País Valencià, Barranquet finishing in la Barbera dels Aragonés where there will be an interruption of the Himno Regional and a large firework will be lit signifying the start of the fiesta.
Thursday 25th July
21:00 Moors Parade. Route starting from Calle Colón, along Avda. del País Valencià and finishing at the Plaza de la Generalitat.
21:00 Moors Parade. Route starting from Calle Colón, along Avda. del País Valencià and finishing at the Plaza de la Generalitat.
Friday 26th July
20:30 Christians Parade. Route starting from Calle Colón, along Avda. del País Valencià and finishing at the Plaza de la Generalitat.
20:30 Christians Parade. Route starting from Calle Colón, along Avda. del País Valencià and finishing at the Plaza de la Generalitat.
Saturday 27th July
18:00 Gathering of the Christian companies Pescadores, Marinos , Piratas Corsarios and Contrabandistas in the Glorieta del Barranquet for the walk along Avda. Varadero to the Port and the start of the embarcar.
19:00 Gathering of the other Christian companies in the Parque Censal on Calle Pizarro for the walk to the Recinto (fairground) on Playa Centro and the parade to the Castle.
20:00 Battle on the beach at Playa Centro, the Moor companies of Alijo de Contrabanistas and the Pirates Corsarios engage in intense combat with the Christians, but manage to win and arrive at the castle for the negotiation / embassy Contrabandista.
21:00 Parade along Avda. Pais Valencià and Costera la Mar to the castle on Playa Centro where the presentation of the Moorish troops to their King takes place followed by the negotiation Beduina.
18:00 Gathering of the Christian companies Pescadores, Marinos , Piratas Corsarios and Contrabandistas in the Glorieta del Barranquet for the walk along Avda. Varadero to the Port and the start of the embarcar.
19:00 Gathering of the other Christian companies in the Parque Censal on Calle Pizarro for the walk to the Recinto (fairground) on Playa Centro and the parade to the Castle.
20:00 Battle on the beach at Playa Centro, the Moor companies of Alijo de Contrabanistas and the Pirates Corsarios engage in intense combat with the Christians, but manage to win and arrive at the castle for the negotiation / embassy Contrabandista.
21:00 Parade along Avda. Pais Valencià and Costera la Mar to the castle on Playa Centro where the presentation of the Moorish troops to their King takes place followed by the negotiation Beduina.
Sunday 28th July
04:45 The Desembarc (Disembarkation) Battle on the Sea at Playa Centro, this is a naval battle between the Moors and Christians fleets, after which the Moors jump into the sea and swim to shore to conquer the castle, accompanied all the time by music and the unceasing firing of the blunderbusses.
20:00 Moor companies gather in the Plaza de la Genaralitat and the Christian companies in the Parque Censal.
20:30 Act of Reconquest by the Christians at the castle on Playa Centro, then onto the Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción for the act of Giving Thanks, followed by the ‘Disparo de 21 Salva de Honor’ in the Plaza de la Generalitat by the Christian Artillery, the presentation of the Moor and Christian King and their advance parties.
04:45 The Desembarc (Disembarkation) Battle on the Sea at Playa Centro, this is a naval battle between the Moors and Christians fleets, after which the Moors jump into the sea and swim to shore to conquer the castle, accompanied all the time by music and the unceasing firing of the blunderbusses.
20:00 Moor companies gather in the Plaza de la Genaralitat and the Christian companies in the Parque Censal.
20:30 Act of Reconquest by the Christians at the castle on Playa Centro, then onto the Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción for the act of Giving Thanks, followed by the ‘Disparo de 21 Salva de Honor’ in the Plaza de la Generalitat by the Christian Artillery, the presentation of the Moor and Christian King and their advance parties.
Monday 29th July
12:00 Mass in honour of Santa Marta at the Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción.
12:00 Mass in honour of Santa Marta at the Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción.
20:00 Solemn Procession in honour of Santa Marta with her statue through the historical streets of the town accompanied by the fiesta dignitaries, civil and religious personal, countless devotees, members of some Moors and Christians companies.
00:30 Firework display in the Playa Centro.
00:30 Firework display in the Playa Centro.
Tuesday 30th July
13:00 Paella competition in the Recinto del Mercadillo.
13:00 Paella competition in the Recinto del Mercadillo.
Wednesday 31st July
20:00 Grand Carnival Parade. Route: Ibiza, Colón, Avenida del País Valencià, Pizarro and Avenida Juan Carlos I