Valencia Fallas 2024 EuroTourGuide Coach Tours
The Valencia Fallas in honour of San Jose starts around the beginning of February when the Ninots are exhibited and the Open Speeches take place around the end of February after which there are daily Masceltas in theTown Hall Square. The Ninots Parade is the 1st weekend in March and accompanied by night time Mascletas. The Fallas are placed in the street from the 15th March when the night firework displays starts at midnight. On the 17th and 18th March the Flower Parades takes place when local people, dressed in traditional costumes and playing traditional music, parade from 15:30 until 01.00 in the morning, bringing their flowers as an offering. They are used to decorated the 14 meter long cloak of the Virgin of the Desperate. Each year the design of the cloak changes and is gradually unveiled during the two days that it takes for the flowers to be arranged. On the night of the 18th at 01:30 one of the most spectacular firework displays in Spain takes place, known as the Nit de Foc. The celebrations are brought to a close on the 19th when the Fallas are set on fire, with the final one being burnt at 23:00. The full programme is in the pdf below.
Join the EuroTourGuide Coach Tour to this amazing Fiesta, click here for all of the information.
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