There are Free Guided Visits and Walks during June 2024 in Orihuela. They will be in Spanish, but the guide norammly speaks a little English if asked. All tours require advanced reservation on this link.
Saturday 1st June
- 09:30 Discover the Rabaloche Barrio from the Plaza del Carmen
Sunday 2nd June
- 10:00 The Palm Park and the Poest Miguel Hernandez from the Centro Interpretacion del Palmeral
Saturday 8th June
- 10:30 World Knitting in Public Day with demonstrations in the Plaza del Carmen
Saturday 15th June
- 10:30 The Route of the Jugler from the Plaza del Carmen
Friday 21st June
- 19:00 Summer Solsitce from the Plaza del Carmen
Saturday 22nd June
- 10:30 The Ledgend of the Dragon from the Plaza del Carmen
Saturday 29th June
- 20:00 Orihuela, the Christian Conquest from the Plaza del Carmen