Novelda Moors & Christians Fiesta 2024 EuroTourGuide Coach Tours
The inland town of Novelda will be celebrating their annual Moors and Christians Fiesta in honour of their patron saint; Santa Maria Magdalena from the 14th to the 25th July 2024. Although there are many events planned, we have just included the major ones here that involve the parades, concerts, battles and fireworks.
Saturday 13th July
22:00 Opening Speeches for the Fiesta in the Parque del oeste.
Thursday 18th July
20:00 Entrance Parade of the Bands from the Casal Fester to the Placa Vella
Friday 19th July
19:00 Parade of the Captains.Route: San Roque, Emilio Castelar, Plaza País Valencià, José Luís Gómez Navarro y Plaça Vella, followed by the Embajadas Mora y Cristiana from the castle.
23:00 Retreta Parade of the Moors and Christians along calle Virgen de los Desamparados, Colón, Maestro Ramis, María Auxiliadora and Capellán Margall
Saturday 20th July
19:00 Romeria from the Santuario
21:00 Procession of Entrance of the statue. The fiesta queens, other dignitaries and the Moors & Christians meet the Romeria at the Paseo de los Molinos and continue to the church of San Pedro.
00:00 Nit de l’Alba at the Plaza Vieja
00:30 Flower Parade with the Moors, Christians and Fiesta Queens along Plaza Sta. Teres Jornet, San Roque, Emilio Castelar, País Valenciano, José Luis Gómez Navarro and Plaza Vieja.
Sunday 21st July
20:30 Grand Entrance Parade of the Christians followed by the Moors along calle Reyes Católicos, Virgen de los Desamparados, Colón, Maestro Ramis, María Auxiliadora and Capellán Margall
Monday 22nd July
20:00 Solemn Procession of Santa Maria Magdalena through the streets of the town.
Tuesday 23rd July
20:30 Grand Entrance Parade of the Moors followed by the Christians along calle Reyes Católicos, Virgen de los Desamparados, Colón and Maestro Ramis.
Wednesday 24th July
22:00 Traca de 1000m (1km of rockets) in the calle Maria Cristina followed by the Comedy Embassy, this is a unique and humorist interpretation of the capturing of the castle.
Thursday 25th July
19:00 Giants and Bigheads parade through the streets of the town.
20:30 Fruit Offering Parade which finishes in the Placa Vella.
00:00 Firework Display on Avenidao de las Cortes Valencianas.
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Jessica and David at EuroTourGuide