The Moors and Christians will be parading through Jijona, also known as Xixona from the 24th to the 26th August 2024. The main parades are:
Saturday 24th August
08:00 Presentation of the Bands
18:00 Entrada Parade of the Moors and Christians.
23:30 Nocturnal Parade
Sunday 25th August
07:00 Diana, early morning parade with music bands
09:30 Embassy of the Contrabandista followed by the Embassy of Pirates
20:00 Embassy of the Moors
21:00 Night-time Parade
22:30 Retreta Parade
Monday 26th August
07:00 Diana, early morning parade with music bands
09:00 Court and Judgement of the Moorish traitor followed by his funeral
20:00 Embassy of the Christians
21:00 Announcement of the Moors and Christians Captains for the following year