Jijona Moors & Christians Fiesta 2024 EuroTourGuide Coach Tours
The Moors and Christians will be parading through Jijona, also known as Xixona from the 24th to the 26th August 2024. The main parades are:
Saturday 24th August
08:00 Presentation of the Bands
18:00 Entrada Parade of the Moors and Christians.
23:30 Nocturnal Parade
Sunday 25th August
07:00 Diana, early morning parade with music bands
09:30 Embassy of the Contrabandista followed by the Embassy of Pirates
20:00 Embassy of the Moors
21:00 Night-time Parade
22:30 Retreta Parade
Monday 26th August
07:00 Diana, early morning parade with music bands
09:00 Court and Judgement of the Moorish traitor followed by his funeral
20:00 Embassy of the Christians
21:00 Announcement of the Moors and Christians Captains for the following year
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Jessica and David at EuroTourGuide