Elche Easter 2024 EuroTourGuide Coach Tours
The city of Elche has many fantastic Easter Parades for you to enjoy from the 25th to the 31st March 2024. It is particularly renowned for its Palm Sunday Parade which has been declared as being of International Tourist Interest. The whole celebration of Semana Santa, Holy Week or Easter Week starts on the morning of Domingo de Ramos, Palm Sunday and continues until Domingo de Resurraccion, Easter Sunday. During this time 14 associations (known as brotherhoods) with more than 6,700 members will be preforming over 33 processions in the city of Elche.
Below are the parade start times, names and (in brackets) the time at which the procession passes through the Placa Baix. The full itinerery for each parade route is in the official booklet. The best parades to watch, are:
  • the Palm Procession at 11:00 on Palm Sunday
  • the Big Procession at 17:45 on Good Friday when all of the brotherhoods
  • the Hallelujah Procession at 10:30 on Easter Sunday
During the days in between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, each brotherhood has its own parade. All these have different start and finish points and follow various routes. However most of these parades pass the Placa Baix, the plaza in front of the town hall at some point along their route. The easiest way to enjoy these parades is to spend the evening in the Placa Baix and wait for them.
Palm Sunday 24th March Domingo de Ramos
  • 10:45 Blessing of the Palms in the Passeig de l´Estació
  • 11:00 Procession of the Palms known as Procesión de Jesús Triunfante (12:00)
  • 17:45 Procession of the Brotherhood of Cofradía Padre Jesus de la Bondad y El Lavatorio (19:30)
  • 18:15 Procession of the Brotherhoods of Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, María Santísima de la Amargura and Santa María Magdalena (20:30)
  • 19:00 Procession of the Brotherhood of la Mujer Samaritana por Nuestro Señor. (20:00)
  • 19:00 Procession of the Brotherhood of Cofradía María Santísima de la Palma (22:20)
  • 19:20 Procession of the Brotherhoods of Fervorosa and Venerable Hermandad María Santísima del Mayor Dolor and San Juan Evangelista (21:10)
  • 20:45 Procession of the Brotherhood of Cofradía del Ecce-Homo (22:00)
Holy Monday 25th March Lunes Santo
  • 18:30 Procession of the Brotherhoods Hermandad and Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús del Gran Poder y María Santísima de la Estrella (19:45)
  • 19:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Santa Cena (220:40)
  • 20:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía de la Negación de San Pedro (21:10)
  • 20:30 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía del Descendimiento de la Cruz (22:00)
  • 20:45 Procession of the Brotherhoods Fervorosa Hermandad de la Flagelación and Gloria (22:40)
Holy Tuesday 26th March Martes Santo
  • 17:20 Procession of the Brotherhoods Fervorosa, Penitencial y Carmelitana Hermandad y Cofradías de la Sagrada Lanzada de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo de las Penas y Dulce Nombre de María Santísima (19:40)
  • 19:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía de la Caída de Nuestro Padre Jesús y María Santísima del Rosario en sus Misterios Dolorosos (22:20)
  • 19:30 Procession of the Brotherhood Hermandad de la Oración en el Calvario (21:10)
  • 20:45 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía Santa Mujer Verónica (21:55)
  • 21:00 Procession of the Brotherhoods Penitencial Hermandad Santísimo Cristo de la Reconciliación and Nuestra Santísima Mater Desolata (23:45)
  • 22:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía Santísimo Cristo del Perdón (00:20)
Holy Wednesday 27th March Miercoles Santo
  • 18:15 Procession of the Brotherhood Del Santísimo Cristo Del Amor Procesión Joven Del Cristo Del Amor (does not pass through the Placa del Baix)
  • 19:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Hermandad de Nuestra Señora de la Merced and Nuestro Padre Jesús de Pasión (20:35)
  • 21:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Ilustre and Penitencial Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores (22:00)
  • 21:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Real, Muy Ilustre and Venerable Cofradía de los Estudiantes de la Preciosísima Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo de la Penitencia (22:40)
  • 21:30 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno (23:35)
  • 21:45 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús Rescatado (23:00)
Holy Thursday 28th March Jueves Santo
  • 18:30 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía Santísima Sangre de Cristo, Nuestra Senora de las Angustias y María Santísima de la Salud (19:20)
  • 18:45 Procession of the Brotherhood Hermandad de María Santísima de la Caridad (20:45)
  • 19:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía de la Oración en el Huerto (20:30)
  • 20:00 Procession of the Brotherhoods Fervorosa Hermandad de la Flagelación and Gloria (21:20)
  • 23:00 Silent Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía Santísimo Cristo de la Misericordia (23:30)
  • 00:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Cofradía Santísimo Cristo de Zalamea (00:50)
Good Friday 29th March Viernes Santo
  • 01:00 Procession of the Brotherhood Hermandad del Santísimo Cristo del Amor (does not pass through the Placa del Baix)
  • 05:45 Procession of the Brotherhood Penitencial Hermandad Santísimo Cristo de la Reconciliación (07:00)
  • 16:00 Exhibition of the statues taking part in the evening procession in the Plaza de Santa María y del Congreso Eucarístico (beside the cathedral).
  • 17:45 Big Parade with all of the brotherhoods taking part, they depart every 15 minutes with the last one leaving the Plaza at 21:15. Route: Plaça del Congrés Eucarístic, Uberna, Plaça de la Mercé,Capitá Lagier, Pont dels Ortissos, Corredora, Plaça de Baix, Alfonso XII, Plaça Menéndez Pelayo, Major de la Vila, Plaça del Palau.

Easter Saturday 30th March Domingo de Pascua

  • 12:00 Tamborrada in the Placa Baix
Easter Sunday 31st March Domingo de Pascua
  • 10:00 Hallelujah Procession of the Brotherhood Cristo Resucitado and Fervorosa Hermandad de la Flagelación and Gloria. Route: Fira, Major de la Vila, Placa Menendez Pelayo, Alfonso XII, Punte de la Virgen, Placa del Pont, Major del Pla, Maria Benlliure, Jose Maria Peman, Reina Victoria (where the processions meet), Pont Nou, Plaça de Baix, Corredora, Pont dels Ortissos, Capità Lagier, Uberna, Plaça del Congrés Eucarístic a la Basílica de Santa María.
  • 10:15 Hallelujah Procession of the Brotherhood Nuestra Patrona la Virgen de la Asunción. Route: Plaça del Congrés Eucarístic, Plaça del Palau, Pont d’Altamira, Vicente Blasco Ibánez, Marqués d’Asprella, Plaça d’España where a Salve is sung, continue along calles José María Buck, Ruperto Chapí, Jorge Juan, Reina Victoria (where the processions meet), Pont Nou, Plaça de Baix, Corredora, Pont dels Ortissos, Capità Lagier, Uberna, Plaça del Congrés Eucarístic a la Basílica de Santa María.
  • Both processions start in different places, but will meet along calle Renia Victoria at the intersection with Calle Jorge Juan, at about 11:30 when it becomes a joyful celebration and millions of hallelujahs, coloured holy cards, are thrown from balconies and terraces.
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Jessica and David at EuroTourGuide