Alicante Easter 2024 EuroTourGuide Coach Tours

The programme for the Easter Parades in the city of Alicante includes daily processions from Domingo de Ramos, Palm Sunday on the 24th March until Domingo de Resurraccion, Easter Sunday on the 31st March 2024. They have been declared as being of National Tourist Interest.

During the days in between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, each brotherhood has its own parade. All these have different starting and finishing points and follow various routes. However all of these parades pass along the Rambla de Méndez Núñez (listed in the brochure as Rambla or Venia) at some point along their route. The easiest way to enjoy these parades is to spend the morning or evening along the Rambla de Méndez Núñez and wait for them. The list below has the start times, finish times, then name of the brotherhood and the times at which the procession passes along the Rambla. The full routes are detailed in the brochure.

The best parades to watch are the ‘big’ processions at 11:30 on Palm Sunday, 10:30 on Good Friday and on the morning of Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday 24th March  Domingo de Ramos 

  • 11:30-14:30 Jesús Triunfante 12:30 & 13:30
  • 11:30-14:30 Oración en el Huerto 13:30
  • 12:15-14:4530 Veronica 13:30 & 14:00
  • 18:00-21:00 San Pedro Apostol 19:30 & 20:00
  • 18:00-23:15 Flagelacion 21:45
  • 18:50-23:00 Gran Poder 21:00
  • 19:00-22:30 Cristo Hallazgo 20:30


Holy Monday 25th March Lunes Santo

  • 17:45-22:30 Prendimiento 21:15
  • 18:00-23:00 Morenet 20:30
  • 18:45-23:30 Humildad y Paciencia 20:00
  • 19:00-23:45 Despojado 22:00


Holy Tuesday 26th March Martes Santo

  • 18:20-00:15 Ecce-Homo 21:00
  • 19:00-00:30 Cristo del Mar 22:30
  • 20:00-23:00 Stabat Mater 21:30
  • 21:00-23:45 Ntro. P. Jesus 22:30


Holy Wednesday 27th March Miercoles Santo

  • 19:00-00:30 Santa Cruz 21:00
  • 19:00-22:15 Divino Amor 20:00


Holy Thursday 28th March Jueves Santo

  • 19:30-00:15 Santa Redencion 21:45
  • 20:00-00:00 Santa Cena 22:30
  • 20:30-00:45 Piedad y Caridad 00:00
  • 22:45-01:15 Perdon 00:15
  • 23:30-02:00 Buena Muerte (silent procession) 01:15


Good Friday 29th March Viernes Santo

  • 10:15-14:15 Sentencia 13:30
  • 18:00-22:30 Mater Desolata 21:30
  • 20:15-23:45 Soledad Santa Maria 22:15
  • 20:30-22:45 Sepulcro 21:45


Easter Sunday 31st March Domingo Pascua

  • 10:45-14:00 Resucitado 13:15
  • 11:30-14:30 Virgen Alegria 13:15
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Jessica and David at EuroTourGuide